Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Another reason to go Android?

I nearly bought an iPhone last week, but couldn't quite go through with it. I just couldn't get past the many restrictions + inferior features.

Then I saw this - Google Goggles launched this week is available on all Android phones. Clever stuff. Combined with the ability to see my gmail easily, access my Google maps, calendar and all other stuff totally intuitively means I'm definitely leaning in the Android direction.

But then I read this. And now I'm all confused. The likelihood is that I will be stuck with my painfully slow N95 until it finally keels over + dies or either Apple or Google have mastered total mind control + the decision won't be mine anyway - which ever comes first.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Sun - an iPhone killer!

The Sun have done what many have dared not to and taken on the iPhone. It's spoof of the familiar iPhone ad uses a similar soundtrack and voiceover and mocks the device by demonstrating how The Sun is superior in celebration of its 40th anniversary.

I know that no telecoms brand would attempt something like this. But The Sun I think can get away with it as it has sufficient distance from the world of telecoms. Also it's undeniable that in some ways + for some people, a newspaper is better than an iPhone.

I think it's going to crack a few smiles, especially with an iPhone backlash imminent (did I say that?) Clever, I like it.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Starbucks concept store

Starbucks has opened a concept store on London's Conduit Street to test a new logo + store design.

Its manual coffee machine + mis-matched furniture gives it a cosy-cool feel + a whole load of character which seems more Leon than Starbucks.

It definitely looks like somewhere I could happily curl up for a while. The only problem being that they're probably serving the same tasteless, overly milky coffee that they always have. So while I may go once to check it out I suspect I'll be rushing back for the rich-smooth-deliciousness that effortlessly cool Brill (Exmouth Market) serves up pretty sharp'ish. Sorry!

Source: PSFK

Monday, 2 November 2009

Demographics are dead...

It's funny how the TED Talks seem to magically answer the questions that are going around in your head.

I've been thinking lately, as we work more and more on 'content' briefs, that the traditional approach of developing a proposition to connect a brand + a story with its intended audience just doesn't work here. Different people connect with stories in different ways, depending on who they are, what they're into, what they've experienced themselves + what they're looking for.

Novelist Chimamanda Adichie talks about the temptation to form an opinion on a person or a place based on just one aspect of its being. A person, a place, a situation cannot be described by just 'one story'. It is what it is because of the multiple stories that have shaped it.

By taking the time to appreciate the many stories that surround who we're talking to will help us understand how we are all different, instead of how we are similar. Afterall, everyone is unique + wants to be seen as an individual, not as part of a demographic group.

So rather than transmitting a single message designed to appeal to a large audience based on just one aspect of their being, we can instead engage all sorts of people in different ways, through the various aspects of the story we're telling. Enabling them to interpret it in their own way, take what they want from it, share their thoughts, debate, hypothesise - and ultimately demonstrate their individuality- all of which allow us to connect with them on a much deeper level.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

A vamped-up me!

It seemed very important that to truly conduct vampire research I should 'vamp myself up' over at the True Blood site. Much fun...

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Climate Chief Lord Stern "Go Veggie to save the planet"

Next time I'm at a dinner party feeling bad for being the 'difficult vegetarian', or when I'm having to defend myself against comments that I'm not observing the 'circle of life'...or even the next time I'm being chased around the room by a friend with a slice of ham, I shall remember this fact...

That meat production is responsible for about 18% of global carbon emissions.

That is a serious amount. Methane (emitted by livestock with each bottom burp) is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a global warming gas.

Lord Stern said that a successful deal at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December would lead to soaring costs for meat and other foods that generate large quantities of greenhouse gases. He hopes that over time, as people begin to feel more responsible towards climate change issues, we will soon regard the consumption of meat in large quantities as unacceptable.

I really hope so. Not only will it help reduce methane emissions, with reduced demand the conditions for livestock should improve (which will make Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall very happy). And since most people eat way too much meat as it is, our general health should improve too. It'll also reduce the destruction of forest land for cattle ranching and the production of animal feeds such as soy. Yippee!

However, considering how frequently I am verbally abused, chased by ham + served the vegetarian staple of Mushroom Risotto, I cannot see this happening overnight.

This thought-provoking?! image was borrowed from queenofheartss @ deviantart.com - thanks!

Monday, 26 October 2009

86% of brands plan to engage with original content

Good news!

An article over at at e-marketer shares the results of a survey undertaken by King Fish Media which reports that 86% brands are planning on creating original content with which to engage their audience, with 74% believing it to be more effective at generating ROI than traditional advertising.

In addition to this, brands now believe the best ways to communicate with prospective leads + customers are their corporate website (75%), social media (73%), custom content + media (70%) + face-to-face events (69%).

And in line with this, e-marketer + almost everything else I've read today (in particular) seems to talking about the importance of measuring the ROI of social media. And not just the non-financial intangiable return, or even against digital sales; but most importantly how we can measure its impact on offline sales.

Olivier Blanchard talks about this at length over here. And Coca-Cola's Carol Kruse shares a little about their aggressive digital plans for the future + how they plan to measure its affect on sales over here.

Eastenders online spin-off targeted at 'yoof'

The BBC is to launch an online spin-off of EastEnders in the new year in line with the show's 25th anniversary. EastEnders: E20 will be broadcast online 3 times a week immediately after the main show. Its 6-12 minute long episodes will show Albert Square from a different perspective, focussing on a group of sixth-form students trying to escape from “family problems and crises of their own making."

They say they're going after the Hollyoaks demographic but want to create a feel different to the Channel 4 show + other shows such as Skins. I like that it's storylines will overlap with those of the main show + that the whole thing will be flipped so that we'll see the characters from the main show in the background while this new cast lead the online version.

I also love that the BBC is working with a team of 13 young writers aged 17-22 to create the storylines (chosen through a competition run by the BBC). What a unbelievable opportunity for these kids...and hopefully by doing this, it *might just* mean that its storylines will actually connect with its audience.

You can't deny that this will benefit from a huge existing audience + that EastEnders is a well established brand. But how many young people watch EastEnders by choice*? I'm just not convinced that it being linked to EastEnders is really going to do it for these grumpy** teens who wouldn't want anyone to think they were into the same things as their parents? I get the whole Hollyoaks / Hollyoaks After Hours thing. They're targeting the same audience - with the later show giving the audience a slightly 'naughtier' version of the main show. Got it. Not sure if 'teen version of ya mum's favourite show' is really gonna cut it?! I might be wrong..

* my 17 year old bro has little choice in the matter. Since birth, 7.30pm has always been Mum's slot in the TV viewing schedule. Thank goodness for the internet.

** they're not all grumpy!

Friday, 23 October 2009

Measuring the ROI of social media

Some nice tips here on how to achieve the impossible - to measure the ROI of social media activities. Now we just need to get sales data from our clients...possible perhaps, but certainly not easy?!

The original post shares all sorts of other helpful articles + presentations on this matter.


Source: We are social

Monday, 19 October 2009

Dust off your wooden spoons people - it's National Baking Week

Just this weekend I was trying to find a reason to bake spiced apple cake + I couldn't find one. I looked everywhere. Then this morning Twitter told me that it's National Baking Week. Yippee..reason indeed.

It appears from the website that a number of food + cooking brands have come together to invite us to not just bake, but to 'bake and share'. Ahh. Share our recipes, share the baking process + of course share our baked loveliness with those around us at home, at school + at work. They're also offering a free baking booklet if you fill in their little form.

In our office we have become quite excited + competitive over a little tradition we started a year or so ago whereby we bake for each other's birthdays. So in recognition of National Baking Week I've challenged my office chums to a bake-off on Friday. Spatulas at twelve o'clock..

Friday, 16 October 2009

CLICK HERE to tell global leaders you're ready to commit to a global climate deal

tcktcktck talks about all things climate change + in the run-up to COP15 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference), it's asking us to submit our names to say that we're ready for the global leaders to sign an ambitious, fair + binding deal that means the world is committed to a plan which will hopefully turn the climate change problem around.

Please take a few mins to leave your name + then tell all your friends.

They're currently at 2.2m names + have until December to get as many names as possible. Go, go, go!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Rory Sutherland's TED talk

Rory Sutherland of the IPA reminds us about perception, lateral thinking + the importance of helping people see the value in the intangiable things in life. Topical, inspiring stuff delivered with wit + fun.

But most importantly, where can I buy Diamond Shreddies???

Source: Punk Planning

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Lovely lovely Lordship Lane illustration

Local artist Vic Lee has created a series of limited edition prints focusing on some of London's traditional hamlets. This illustration of Lordship Lane was the first in the series + was followed by Dulwich Village + Maida Vale.

The prints range from £35 to £50 + come with a very special numbered certificate. You can buy them over here if you would like.

I might add that Vic is a very nice man with a GSOH - I know this because he didn't mind at all being mistaken for a stripper when delivering a print to my friend's rather raucous birthday dinner party last week.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

OMG how much fun stuff!!

Having today received a good few of the newsletters that kindly drop into my inbox to tell me about all the fun stuff that this great city has to offer on a weekly basis, I feel compelled to share a selection of their contents. There really is some incredibly exciting stuff happening (if you like what I like..which frankly is unlikely)..

First up and by far my favourite...

Be badly behaved @ The Underground Rebel Bingo Club

The Underground Rebel Bingo Club will host their version of granny's Housie at a secret location in Angel this Friday night (9th). This is how they describe themselves at their Facebook group:

We don't care what people think. We like to dance. We like to drink. But most of all we like to play dirty hardcore muthafuckin bingo on the down low. The Underground Rebel Bingo Club is a secret organisation that meets weekly to party hard and get our bingo on. If you don't like loud music, shoutin and dancin, don't come.

..sounds like f-u-n

Source: Flavorpill

On a softer + more glamourous note, I wish I could go to this, but I can't.. :0(

Bordello's Retro Hair + make-up masterclass

What an amazing idea! Next Thursday (15th) you + your friends can pay £45 to hang out at Bordello's lingerie boutique + learn the techniques need to achieve the 'ultimate in golden-age glamour'. The professional hair + make-up artists that will be sharing their secrets with you have worked with the likes of Amy Winehouse + The Scissor Sisters.

How cool to enjoy a lovely evening there, transforming yourself into a vintage princess or 50's pin-up starlet, before hitting the streets of Shoreditch with your favourite gals. I just hope they do it again. Soon! More info here.

Source: Flavorpill

The Museum of Everything

Opening on Weds 14th October in Primrose Hill, The Museum of Everything is London's first ever space for art by the 'untrained, unintentional and unseen creators of this, our modern world'. Its first exhibition has been selected by leading artists, curators + cultural figures. This is what they say:

In tiny crevices and under dusty beds, there lies a secret creativity by the unknowns of society. Unexpected, delicate and profound, this democratic work has inspired the world’s greatest artists.

In Exhibition #1, the museum presents over two hundred drawings, paintings, sculptures and installations, selected by leading contemporary artists, curators and cultural figures.

And if that's not enough, their site plays the rather appealing + slightly hypnotic sound of baa'ing sheep.

Naughty life-drawing @ 'In her room'

Go to David Carter's boutique Spitalfields hotel '40 Winks' on Weds 14th October and you will find a number of subjects in the various rooms of this 18th century house wearing Bordello lingerie + posing as aristocrats + flapper girls. Included in the price of this erotic life-drawing class you'll get wine, nibbles, pencils and paper.

Source: Flavorpill

Get creative @ Shoot Shoreditch

Shootexperience.com holds photographic treasure hunts mainly across the UK. And the next one, taking place this Sunday, will send teams off across historical Shoreditch to solve clues + provide their answers in photos. Quite simply, the best most creative shots win.

Source: Run-Riot

Friday, 25 September 2009

We're happy to be working with..Change for Climate Change

We've recently started working with new charity, Change for Climate Change.

This is very exciting for us because, for once, this is a climate change initiative that feels like it will work! This is because it understands that it's only when business and industry change their bad habits that this problem ever has a chance of going away. And with this in mind Change for Climate Change wants to harness the power of consumers all over world to inspire that change..since it's the consumers who drive industry.

More about Change for Climate Change at their blog over here. Unfortunately they don't have a website at the moment (we're still working on it)! But this post talks about how they've recruited their first partner, David Lloyd Leisure. And how together they have created a project called The David Lloyd Lefini Project which will empower their members to help fight the impact of deforestation across the world.

Watch this space for news of CFCC's lovely new website coming soon.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Authentic Italian gelati around the corner from my East Dulwich flat

Heaven in East Dulwich!

Scoop opened up next to the Italian restaurant on Melbourne Grove, East Dulwich on the August bank holiday..and I was one of their first customers.

Their ice cream is as good as the stuff we were eating every day in Rome earlier this year. It's a small shop + so they can only stock 7 varieties for now..but they change them around each week, so I think that's variety enough. And they take requests!

They also serve coffee + waffles in the morning (clever) + according to their post at the East Dulwich Forum (where they've received nothing but praise, thank goodness!), they'll soon be selling those yummy churros too.

I can highly recommend the mango + coconut flavours. And I'd also suggest having a sit-down on the cute little bench outside to get properly stuck in.

Good luck Scoop! x

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Take 3D pics + vids with Fujifilm's new 3D camera!!

Just spotted this on Mintel..how very exciting!

As 3-D cinema offers an alternative to the download culture, 3-D cameras might offer manufacturers respite from the threat of phones.

Fujifilm is launching a camera which takes 3D video and photos, without recourse to special glasses. The FinePix REAL 3D W1 launches in the UK this month.

Its integrated processor creates an image from using two slightly different angles and as such harks back to the pioneers of sterescopics. Images can be vied on the camera’s LCD screen or shared on the FinePix REAL 3D V1 photo frame monitor or as prints on special lenticular sheets.

Source: Mintel, 22 September '09

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Is this not the most VOM-INDUCING mousemat you've ever seen?!

I never get post at work. NEVER! So I was like stupidly excited this morning when a A4-sized envelope arrived on my desk. Little did I know I was about to be totally sickened by its contents...

Erreuggghhh! This mousemat demonstrates a shocking lack of any kind of creativity or understanding of its audience on the part of its sender. Why send a creative agency a mousemat..yea, hang on just the fact that its a mousemat makes it totally boring. And a mousemat that was seemingly designed in Word...even more disgusting. Waaa, why would I want this on my desk I ask you?!

Am I being a bit harsh? Maybe. Maybe it's our job to be creative + our suppliers job to communicate what they can supply. But I can't help think 'just don't try' or 'try a bit harder, yea?' Or send us what we want + need instead. Chocolate on a Friday afternoon (+ not that awful advent calendar chocolate), headache tablets on a Friday morning, oompa-loompas to sing + help us get into the swing of things on Mondays.

But guess what? This fine example of bad design is now a feature on my nextdesk neighbour's desk! Yes, he claims it's so ugly that it's cut through the clutter of the averagely designed mousemats sent by other suppliers. So maybe I'm totally wrong + these guys have a complex understanding of how to engage the agency world. Hmm..or maybe not.

Monday, 21 September 2009

10 reasons to buy local

Yesterday I went to my local East Dulwich green grocer and bought about 8 mushrooms, 4 tomatoes, a whole load of green beans, a pepper and 5 onions for £2.50! Bargainous. And that's not even the best bit - even though they were meant to have shut they let me in anyway, they then proceeded to make polite conversation with me (!) and they even smiled!! A very different experience to the one I'd have received had I gone to Somerfield.

Then today I came across this at PSFK + thought I'd share because I believe strongly that shopping locally is the thing to do + this gives a brilliant list of why we should all do it.

Local First, a Grand Rapids Michigan-based organization that encourages sustainable, locally-based economies has made a simple but effective illustration of how money flows if it’s spent at a locally owned business versus a non-local business. They also explain their top ten reasons to shop local first:

1. Significantly More Money Re-circulates

When you purchase at locally owned businesses rather than nationally owned, more money is kept in the community because locally-owned businesses often purchase from other local businesses, service providers and farms.

2. Non Profits Receive Greater Support

Local business owners donate more to local charities than non-local owners.

3. Unique Businesses Create Character & Prosperity

The unique character of Grand Rapids is what brought us here and keeps us here. Our tourism businesses also benefit.

4. Environmental Impact Is Reduced

Local businesses make more local purchases requiring less transportation and usually set up shop in town centers rather than on the fringe. This generally means contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

5. Most New Jobs Are Provided By Local Businesses

Small local businesses are the largest employers nationally.

6. Customer Service Is Better

Local businesses often hire people with more specific product expertise for better customer service.

7. Local Business Owners Invest In Community

Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.

8. Public Benefits Far Outweigh Public Costs

Local businesses require comparatively little infrastructure and more efficiently utilize public services relative to chain stores.

9. Competition And Diversity Leads To More Consumer Choices

A marketplace of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term.

10. Investment In Greater Grand Rapids Is Encouraged

A growing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character.

Source: PSFK via Local First via Curbly

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Who Killed Summer? - all is revealed TONIGHT!

It's been a long, hot summer for the Who Killed Summer? contestants. And for the most part it's been amazing fun rockin' up at festivals like Benicassim, the Croatia Garden Festivals + Relentless Boardmasters - they've met their idols, made new friends + some among the group have even reached more intimate levels of friendship!!

But recent events have seen the best summer ever turn into their worst nightmare..

It turns out that ex-junkie Tete's new boyfriend was actually paid by a warped blogger going by the name of David Hampton to seduce her and get her back on drugs. He also revealed pictures of sweet virgin Claire dragging a virtual stranger into a hotel room, destroying her relationship with her boyfriend. What sort of a weirdo would do this?

This is all just scratching the surface, but David Hampton fills in the gaps perfectly over here.

So needless to say, the whole group is hugely disturbed at how close David Hampton has been getting to them...and since finding out that David Hampton isn't even his real name + that he's in fact using the name of a dead conman, most are now convinced that David Hampton is one of them. He just couldn't have got hold of certain pictures and information any other way. This has led them to turn on each other and all the while David Hampton continues to twist the knife.

All will become clear tonight though. David Hampton sent each of the contestants a Facebook invite to meet him on a boat just off the Sussex coast..sounds a little fishy to me! They've all accepted, so all we can do now is sit back and watch as the mystery unfolds across 3 episodes going live tonight at 8pm, 9pm and concluding at 10pm over at www.wks09.com.

The Who Killed Summer? Facebook fan page will also be buzzing with activity as it works with fans to get to the bottom of this sinister storyline.

Who Killed Summer?
is a collaboration between MWorks, Hideous Productions + Big Balls Films (the guys behind Kate Modern + Nokia's Somebody Else's Phone) + is sponsored by Vodafone. The depth + breadth of this combined expertise has delivered an online drama that demonstrates TV-quality production values, (properly) exploits the potential of social media to engage its audience, and allows people to watch it in (almost) real time, for the first time.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Woah - seriously naughty stuff on wks09

So I suddenly became really popular in the office when this was playing on my machine. Boys swarmed from all around to get a peek.


Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Small stories + Tall stories

I love this. It's well cute.

The National Theatre has pitched up an inflatable auditorium in which to host five days of storytelling.

The morning 'Small Stories' are for kids aged 5-7 (Wed-Sat 10.30am, 11.30am, & 12.30pm; Sun 11am, 12noon & 1pm); afternoon 'Tall Stories' for 8-11s (Wed-Sat 2.30pm, 3.30pm & 4.30pm) and evenings for adults.

..we agreed in the office that these should be called 'Giant stories'

There are also further family sessions:

Wed: 'Brain Wave', puppetry with the Whalley Range All Stars (1pm & 6.30pm); 'Les Moutons', a sheep story with Corpus (2pm & 5pm).
Thur: A ceilidh for all ages with Cheap Jack (1pm); 'Les Moutons (2pm & 4pm).
Fri: The legend of 'King Arthur' with Les Grooms (1pm & 4.30pm); Explore a giant hive with Pif-Paf in 'Honey' (2-6pm); Allotment fun with Plunge Bloom in 'Vegetable Nannies' (2pm, 4.30pm & 6pm).
Sat: 'Honey (12noon-1pm & 2-5pm); Salsa moves with Coco Xpress and Garcia (1pm).
Sunday wraps up with The Chipolatas and their mix of street theatre and circus (1.30pm).

Now I just need to either be, or have, a kid!

Sinister goings-on in Who Killed Summer?

Not sure what's going on here but some warped blogger is messing with Who Killed Summer?

He posted a blog about Claire a couple of weeks back, calling her 'boring' and now he's posted these pics of Tete and new man, Billy from INSIDE THE BUS?! We can't work out how the hell he's done it, but it's all a bit freaky.

Having read some of his other posts it's clear he has an issue with reality shows, bit dark? But clearly all is not what it seems on the bus..!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Our Tom interviewed about Who Killed Summer?

Brand-e.biz interviewed MWorks MD, Tom Thirlwall about our current online drama, Who Killed Summer? You can see the whole thing over here.

And you can watch Who Killed Summer? over here. Is good!

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Skate Almighty is back

Nokia is running it's roller disco, 'Skate Almighty' again - this time at Potter's Field, Tower Bridge from Thurs 6th - Sun 9th August.

Music will be provided by a number of non-specified 'DJs' as well Little Boots, Paloma Faith (we like her!!) and Calvin Harris. But no way of knowing who'll be performing on each day I'm afraid.

I didn't make it along last year but am told it was much fun, if a little short (you get a 1 hour slot). But hey, it's free!

Book your free tickets here.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Who Killed Summer Episode 2 - recognise anyone our kid?!

Episode 2 of Who Killed Summer? is live!

Filmed last weekend at Benicassim Festival in Spain, this episode follows the 'contestants' as they plot how to get backstage to meet a celebrity and win this week's task..I'd say they did alright! See the whole episode here.

To keep up-to-date on what's happening in WKS09 and to be informed of upcoming episodes, join the Facebook group.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Who Killed Summer? LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!

After a mere 2 years in development (!), Who Killed Summer? is finally live!

Visit the site, watch the first episode, tell me what you think? I'm desperate to know.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Who Killed Summer? Starts 16th July

Who Killed Summer? is a new online drama that sees 6 hot young music lovers from across Europe brought together by Vodafone for the summer of their lives. They'll hit the hottest gigs, the best festivals and the wildest parties, capturing content on their mobiles, whilst a film crew record every intimate moment in high definition.

..it should make for the most amazing summer ever, but will it?

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Paloma Faith at the ICA 24th June

I've been very aware that I've not written a single post since April + I really don't know why. It's not just my blog that I've been neglecting, barely a tweet a week has passed my fingertips for months now + I've not been up to much on FB either.

Only a tragedy of epic proportions has inspired me to get typing again. The tragedy is that Paloma Faith is to play the ICA on Weds 24th June and I WILL BE ON HOLIDAY. I missed her last gig because I fainted in Moorgate tube station and not even a nice old lady's Caramel bar could sort me out enough to go. The one before that was on the Sunday of a bank holiday - by which time I'd been pissed + hungover twice over and in my state of recovery I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO GO.

But enough about me. I would strongly recommend that you go to this gig. I've seen Paloma Faith several times over the last couple of years + she's unbelievable. Her voice is unique + incredibly powerful, her songs quirky, cheeky + fun + she herself is adorable, cute, cheeky, funny, witty + basically you just want to be her..or squeeze her.

Oh + her first single 'Stone Cold Sober' comes out on 15th June. So download it yeh? I promise I'm not her friend or agent or anything but a genuine fan, who is genuinely gutted she can't make it to another of her gigs + who genuinely wants other people to go instead so she can feel a bit better about it.

Monday, 20 April 2009

'Kill the Gun' Ad Campaign

Seriously haunting. An ad by BBDO for Choice FM's Peace on the Streets campaign against knife + gun crime in London.

About Choice FM's Peace on the Streets Campaign

In 2007 Choice FM re-started its quest to promote Peace on London streets, taking the baton as the leading commercial radio station committed to reducing violence and instead promoting positive young people and also the positive activities available to young people.

Over the past two years there have been over 55 deaths on London’s streets and all though one death is one too many, and must not be forgotten, we too must not forget the huge number of young people making real positive differences within the London communities.

Over the past year Peace on the Streets has received hundreds of requests to help with the campaign. We have built a dedicated team of streets ‘Angels’ who support community events in and around London and we have as a station supported over 40 events.

We have awarded nearly a quarter £1m to organizations dedicated to giving young people opportunities, build skills and help others.

Friday, 17 April 2009

We like..Smirnoff Original Nights

Smirnoff's Original Nights is a series of alternative events in London, involving (among other things) a bit of dressing up, plenty of dancing + a lot of drinking. Which is why it's got my attention!

Smirnoff invited London's Promoters to apply for a £10k bursary to host one of four nights in London as part of their Smirnoff Night Vision initiative. They then asked London nightlife experts; Shaun Roberts (Promotions Manager of Fabric), Simone Baird (Social Club Editor at Time Out magazine) and Crispin Dior (Promoter behind Field Day, Adventures in the Beetroot Field) to hand-pick who they considered to be the most exciting and forward-thinking promoters from those who applied.

The chosen four were then given the cash to create an event from scratch on behalf of Smirnoff. And they really do all sound incredibly innovative, unique + exciting.

Normal people like us can win tickets to whichever event takes our fancy by posting a comment on the discussion board for that chosen event. And it looks like it's going down really well with nearly 50k fans on the FB page + big numbers begging for tickets on the discussion boards. Pretty please, Gods of Fun, can I win tickets to the Hothouse Revue event, I've been practising my Lindy-hop like a good girl + everything:

People Are Germs
Bash Studios – Saturday 18th April
Juliette Hughes and Claire Bartolomeo - better known as People are Germs - are hosting a special, one-off party that dreams are made of.

A rollerdisco like no other, party-goers will be able to skate to their hearts’ content whilst enjoying cutting edge live acts Primary1 and Magistrates and DJs The Glimmers, Hot Chip, Foals and Nadia Kasabia.

Taking place in an East London warehouse space, the night will boast flashing disco lights, party-loving people with colours and scenery to make your eyes fizz.

DJ Flicks
The Curzon, Soho – Friday 24th April

The brains behind disco hub DJ History.com present DJ Flicks; a movie and a party rolled into one. Known as much for their web blogging and record digging exploits as their legendary Lowlife parties, Frank Broughton and Bill Brewster will be transforming The Curzon, Soho into disco decadence.

Showing new, rare and unseen films recounting the disco genre in all its guises, the night will morph into a unique club night, connecting one of history’s pioneering DJs to the exciting scenes they inspired. DJ Kenny Carpenter, a one-time resident jock from the much-lauded Studio 54, and modern day instigators Disco Bloodbath will be taking to the decks. With electro don Arthur Baker as host for the evening, films being screened will include ‘The Godfather of Disco’, ‘Pioneers’ and ‘Disco Godfather’.

Hothouse Revue
No. 5 Cavendish Square – Wednesday 29th April

UK festival producers and promoters Ben DeVere and Michael O' Shea are forming The Hothouse Revue, a 1920s night quite possibly bringing more elegance and decadence than the capital has witnessed for 80 years.

Inspired by the heyday of Berlin's Kit Kat club and Harlem's Savoy Ballroom, expect a brazen blur of burlesque, cabaret, swing-jive and lindy-hop, private lamp-lit tables, fine-food, intimate service, race rhythm, gypsy jazz, and all-round sass as Ben and Mike take over the grand No. 5 Cavendish Square venue. With no detail overlooked, it's the faded glamour of the pre-war roar spruced to a high sheen; so don't forget to dress up before you get down.

3D Disco… In The Round
Date and venue TBC shortly

The final promoters in the series are from NOVAK Collective, Adam Finley, Elliot Thompson, Andrew Nixon and Keith Daniels, the dynamic team behind the popular AV party 3D DISCO™. Not ones to rest on their laurels, they will be taking the 3D Disco concept they pioneered to a whole new level with 3D DISCO™ In The Round transposing the eye-popping, high-definition club visuals into a completely immersive environment.

The show will be hosted in an IGLOO tent which, as the name suggests, provides Novak with the 360° projection space they will require.
For your chance to win tickets, check out the Smirnoff Original Nights discussion posts http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/smirnofforiginalnights?v=app_2373072738&viewas=741085245

Thursday, 16 April 2009

I moved my frame

Having read about Frame in Shoreditch in all the free London papers I've been mad keen to check it out. For anyone that doesn't know, Frame is a dance / fitness + holistic exercise studio..but like no other. Here you can get dressed up 80's style to take part in the Jane Fonda Tribute class (80's aerobics), learn the moves to your favourite music videos, learn the Lindy Hop (I'll come back to that later), as well as the stuff you'd expect like yoga, pilates + ballet.

So having a bit of a penchante for all things 30's + 40's, me + my W.F, Tach hopped along to Lindy Hop on Tuesday. There were 6 of us in the class which rather surprisingly was taught by a rather large + very tatooed man.

In a moment of weirdness (much taller) Tach suggested that I play the role of the man + lead which was fine right up until the bit where I'm to lift her slightly so we can kick our legs to the side. SO, a few trodden-on toes, twisted arms + confused faces later, we realised we had actually learnt something + could pretty much do the whole routine without messing up, which was really, really exciting. Though I should say that because you're learning from the beginning, things don't get really active until right at the end, so I'd say if you want to work more than your laughter muscles, maybe go for aerobics or something. But to learn some new skills that you can replicate for your friends when out (I've not had the chance yet, but I will) + a good old giggle at the same time, the dance classes at Frame are spot on.

Oh and in April there's BOGOF on all classes, so I'm now trying to work out what to use my free class for..

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Run! Monsters in E1

Me + my pal Sophie went along to the launch event for a new exhibition called Monsters Inked at the Idea Generation Gallery on Chance Street, E1

I can recommend a little look-see if you fancy being transported back to your youth for half an hour or so. These artists (I'm guessing) are all fully grown but have managed to retain an amount of their childish imagination to create these brilliantly colourful, imaginatively named + oddly configured creatures.

It was interesting to see the different techniques used by the various different artists. The computer generated stuff is nice, but a bit too finished + cartoony for my liking. I tend to prefer my monsters hand-drawn + less perfect where you tend to see more interesting detail, tone + scary features..much more monster-like I would say.

And just when I was thinking 'arrgh I wanna draw a monster' paper + pencils appeared. Here are our attempts:

On the wall and everythink..

Call for bible messages??

This sign is outside a church at the top of my street in Streatham. I'm intrigued - what sort of bible message do you think you get if you call? I'm a bit too nervous to find out. I'm thinking at the very least it's some kind of randomly selected quote from the Bible..at best, a personalised message from God. Ooh.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

Looks cool - feels a bit like Son of Rambow meets The Never Ending Story? Out Oct '09.

BakerTweet from Poke

BakerTweet is a clever little device created by Poke using Arduino hardware + software that means bakers everywhere (+ in this case Poke's neighbours, new Conran cafe Albion) can announce the readiness of their delicious baked goods at the very moment they leave the oven.

By installing this device in the kitchen, bakers can simply turn a dial to select the variety of completed baked item which then sends out a tweet to tell the world that freshly baked yumminess is waiting for them. You can keep up on top of Albion's baking here.

Indeed cakes + biscuits sure are tastiest when they're hot from the oven. Though sadly we at MWorks may have to settle for lukewarm - Redchurch Street is at least 10 mins away.

We think The Modern Pantry next door should invest in a BakerTweet.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Oh I'm missing the Oxford Cambridge GOAT Race

Oh, why do all the best things in London happen when I'm away?

This Sunday - the same day as the traditional Oxford / Cambridge boat race, Spitalfields City Farm will host a day of fun that at 3.30pm will see two 2 real live goats, one representing Oxford and one representing Cambridge, race a tough, meandering course lined with cheering spectators.

There will be an official goat race bookie + sweepstake, the opportunity to enter a goat wrestling tournament (I think someone should call the RSPCA) + a goatee knitting competition.

What fun! All the information is here. And they have a Facebook event page here.

..and dressing up too:

Strictly: Black Tie, Rowing lycra, boat club jackets and ties, or goat.

£3 on the door charge, all proceeds go to a Spitalfields City Farm.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

[Giant] me on blogging in .net

Eek, I've never seen my head so big.

This is an article I wrote for this month's .net magazine about using bloggers to drive word of mouth for brands. Too small to read here, so you'll have to buy it if you want to read it!

Watch this space for the pic that didn't make it in.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

The World's first iPhone band

Oh look, another thing that makes me wish I had an iPhone.

To demonstrate that nowadays musical talent isn't necessarily required to make well, pretty ok'ish music, The Mentalists perform MGMT's 'Kid' using their iPhones + apps downloaded from the Apple Music Store.

Thanks @jemimakiss for the light relief while we work into the night pitch-style!

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Swap your unwanted stuff for Hummus

This is so so clever.

The Hummus Bros of Soho are helping Cancer Research UK by hosting 'Barter Day' on Sunday 15th March.

Delve through your drawers, get under the bed, dig around in the basement + grab any unloved + unwanted stuff. Take it down to the chickpea HQ between 12pm + 6pm on the 15th where a Cancer Research charity shop expert will be waiting to value your wares + exchange them for an equal amount of the creamy goodness*!

Genius. Shame I don't come north of the river on the weekend.

* it's not just hummus you know, you'll get pitta bread + a choice of variants of hummus, but it is kinda mostly hummus.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Keep Calm + Carry On

On the way to work today I saw a girl carrying a v.cool Keep Calm + Carry On bag. So when I got in I searched for it online + didn't just find the bag, but a whole site dedicated to KCACO gear.

For anyone who doesn't know, the Keep Calm and Carry On artwork was originally produced by the Ministry of Information in 1939 as a poster to encourage the British people to carry on as usual despite the outbreak of war. It has now been reproduced to deliver the same message in times of recession (but not by the ministry of information!)

It feels like it might just become the new 'I [heart] New York'..but with a bit more meaning. I like it (for now).

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Update on the white bikes

Thank you @markallred + @vacuumcleaner for explaining the white bikes to me.

It seems like I'm the only person that didn't know why they're there, but in case there is anyone left in the dark, the white bikes are 'ghost bikes'. Positioned in spots where cyclists have died as quiet statements in support of cyclists' right to safe travel. Next to each bike is a plaque with the person's name.

Some have missing parts, others have heartfelt memorials + unbelievably, some have been vandalised.

Photographer Katherine Rose travelled around London + Brighton in search of the ghost bikes + posted them here.

As a cyclist myself + one who's had more than a couple of near misses, I agree that everyone; pedestrians, motorists, taxi drivers + motorcyclists need to be much more aware of cyclists on the road. Cycling, especially in cities can be extremely perilous. You really need to have your wits about you + full concentration at all times. And even when you do, you're kind of at the mercy of those around you. Too often cyclists are knocked off by people opening their doors into the road, vehicles turning left, pedestrians appearing from no where.

And believe me I know that cyclists can be stupid too + I do think that something should be done to promote safe riding. But, it's true that we are certainly the most vulnerable on the road, so while this is a pretty morbid demonstration, maybe it needed to be.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Hey! What's with all the white bikes?

White bikes have been appearing all across London. Look..

Me, Tachy + Jamie spotted one on the junction of Farringdon Road + Goswell Road at lunchtime today.

Then, just now, as my bus pulled in at the bus garage at Streatham Hill I spotted one chained to the railings there (pic above).

Why they are here is a mystery.

There is one clue though. And I had to walk the opposite way to home to discover this. On the bike are these words 'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away'.

Hmm. Any ideas?

Bebo has a friend feed

Bebo is introducing what it calls a 'lifestream platform' which, like Friendfeed, aggregates users' various social networking updates in that one place. So while at Bebo, users will be able to see what their friends are doing + saying on Flickr, Facebook, Myspace, Delicious etc. And it seems you don't even need to be registered with Bebo to benefit from it.

It's a clever but obvious move to increase dwell time at the site + is surely the way all the social networks will end up going.

Full report from the Guardian here.

Stats on mobile social media usage

Just found this blog which has loads of yummy, juicy stats on youth + marketing.

Here's a nice chart I found there showing how people are using social networks on their phones across the globe + the year-on-year change from '07 - '08. V.exciting. And interestingly, they say here that mobile makes up half of Universal Music's digital revenue, wow!
Ooh + then I had a little look at the source, IT Facts which has even more scrumptious, mouth-watering stats. It says here that 36% of those who currently use social media on a regular basis say they’d like to access their networks on the TV screen. And here it reports on the top mobile + top PC sites.

So much information, so many numbers, mmm I like it.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Have you seen this dog?

Hee hee. Found this here.

And what's even funnier is the number of people commenting that they 'don't get it'. This comment is particularly hilarious (I hope they're kidding!) 'I’m sorry. But I do not get it, I have looked at it for ages, and I cannot see anything. Is it an optical illusion — can someome please email me with the answer'. Eh??!

But I shouldn't really take the piss 'cos I don't get this cartoon that one of the commenters then shared - can anyone enlighten me peez?

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Now that's what we're talkin' about

Here's a great example of how social media can be used to influence opinion.

Blogger + Chef, Niall Harbison made a throw-away comment about Seesmic in a post. The magic of google alerts meant it was then picked up by Loic de Meur who runs Seesmic. He left a comment on Niall's post complimenting him on his work, pointing out that Seesmic is approaching 1 million videos + asks 'I wonder why you have to be so aggressive?' then signs off by wishing him success in the future. How nice! How can anyone, having received such a lovely comment from the very guy that runs Seesmic, not investigate further to prove themselves wrong? Niall finds that Seesmic has vastly improved since he last visited + even goes so far as to film a post in which he positively advocates the site + Loic's approach at challenging his view. Seesmic was now approaching 1,000,001 videos + everybody lived happily ever after.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Anvil performs live at Secret Cinema..

Now I don't normally talk online about Secret Cinema 'cos the naughty, selfish side of me wants to keep it to myself so that I can always easily get a ticket, but I can't not talk about yesterday's Secret Cinema. It was easily the best yet (that I've been to anyway).

Not only did we get to enjoy eating yummy free popcorn, watching SC's fantastic actors in the roles of shady promoters, hardcore fans + 80's kids, followed by a performance from a live metal band, and all this before that hilarious drug dealer guy from Withnail + I announced that we weren't to see Spinal Tap (as we'd assumed), but in fact, the to-be-released-next-week, Anvil: The Story of Anvil. It was, he said, to be the UK premiere of the film, which in itself is amazing. But that wasn't it..the big, exciting thing I'm trying to tell you. No.

The film was outstanding. It's a real life 'rockumentary' that follows the members of Anvil - a metal band that has been together for over 30 years with the two main guys, Lips + Robbo having met at school in their teens. Sadly they never made it when they were young, despite touring with some of the biggest metal bands in history. I'm not going to ruin the story, but please go watch it. Lips + Robbo love + hate each other as if they were brothers which makes for some hilarious + often touching scenes. Lips is incredibly endearing + demonstrates amazing determination. By the end, I had tears in my eyes + I wanted more than anything else in this world for them to succeed. I wanted to buy their new album, go to their gigs, buy the t-shirt, that kind of thing.

And then..that's exactly what happened! There he was. Lips. Up in one of the boxes of the Shepherd's Bush Empire. Pulling his strange faces (he pulls strange faces) + strumming his guitar. We look to the stage and there's the rest of the band. There they are! At that very moment in time, having watched their struggles + frustrations, there was no one in this world who I'd rather have seen. Not even the White Stripes would have brought me more joy in that very minute. It was amazing. I forgot that I don't even like metal + stood on my chair + did that thing you have to do with your fingers to show appreciation.

After much jumping + singing along to songs we don't know, there was another announcement. Scott Ian from Anthrax was to perform Anvil's biggest hit, Metal on Metal on stage with them, right there. How exciting. But who the bleep is Scott Ian..and Anthrax? Oh well, who cares, let's jump around a bit more. And let's now go outside + buy Anvil's CD + oh, a t-shirt, amazing!

Anyway, you get the idea. It was amazing. Secret Cinema is always exceptional, unique, full of surprises etc etc, but this was like no cinema experience I've ever had before.

So go, please. Take my ticket. Secret Cinema is great. Oh and the guys that run Secret Cinema - Future Cinema are going to be showing Watchmen under London Bridge at SE1 Club - before it's screened anywhere else in the world. Damn it's all coming out.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Flash mob silent disco tonight at Trafalgar Sq

They're all at it! Tonight's flash mob will take place at 7pm at Trafalgar Square. People are asked to bring their own iPods + dance to their own music in the aim to create the biggest ever flash mob silent disco. Join the Facebook group for more info + to invite friends.

Be there or be square (their words, not mine)

Where it's safe to go out this weekend..

Scratch'n'Sniff Cinema
To escape the yuckiness of valentines this weekend here are a few fun places to go to where you can safely avoid fluff, flowers, set menus + soppy couples.

One of my absolute favourites, the Bethnal Green Working Man's Club has a whole weekend of anti-valentines mischief. On Friday you'll find the Love Massacre-ade which they say will take you on 'a magical mystery tour of the heart and into the deep dark corners of your thoughts, where you will find magicians, smitten kittens, phantom pianists and black widows on this twisted take on Valentine's' - in short, burlesque, magicians, music + meta-physical powers. I wish I could go myself.
Fri @ 9pm-2am, tickets = £8

Then on the Saturday Oh My God I Miss You! is hosting 'Dumb Valentines' at the BGWMC. I went to a night run by these guys for my birthday + it was like the craziest of dreams - bizarre but the best thing ever. Complete with a love + hate messageboard, the chance to star in your own romance comic cover, see 'how low you can go' in the love limbo..all while dressed as your favourite couple?! Entertainment comes in the form of burlesque, a performance of the love dance (?) + DJs playing love ballads, love sick songs, kitsch classics, Exotica, Crooners, Rock'n'Roll & novelty songs.
Sat @ 9pm-2am, tickets = £8

On the same night, Cut a Shine will be at the Finsbury Town Hall in Islington hosting a Valentines Barn Dating Ball. While I think this one may be a little more sickly than the others, it does sound like a whole lot of fun, so it's made it in. There'll be an 11 piece jive jump band + they say the best barn dance band ever to jump around to..and accidentally on top of potential love interests?! As well as Folkaoke - like, karaoke to folk music yea? I've always wanted to go to one of these nights but haven't quite managed to drag a friend along..yet.
Sat @ 8pm, tickets £14

Guilty Pleasures is hitting the lanes again for their 'I'm not in love' anti-valentines party (they oversold tickets last time + I couldn't get in, grr), this time at the new All Star Lanes on Brick Lane. The idea is to celebrate singledom + while they'll have all sorts of cheeky dating games, it's not all about that + there's lots of non-romantic fun to be had with bowling (of course) + the usual GP DJs playing pure pop + soft rock complete with 'erection section'.
Sat @ 8pm-2am, tickets £10

Scratch 'n' sniff cinema is the first of it's kind - taking place this Saturday as part of the Jotta Craft Fair, a fortnight of interactive activity. As you'd expect you're there to watch a film - Peter Greenway's 'The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover' (1989) + guests receive scratch 'n' sniff cards to be used at key points in the film. Aromas include rotting meat + dusty books! The evening includes a romantic presentation about the film and a Valentine-themed menu. So not entirely love-free, but ya know.
Sat @ 5.30pm + 9pm, tickets = £10

The Notting Hill Arts Club has a special anti-valentines afternoon goin' on. And it's freeeee! They have some very special guests coming along to perform their reworkings of classic love songs, in true Drowned in Sound style.
Sat @ 4-8pm, FREE

And I'm not sure if I should be talking about this, what with it being a secret and all. So if anyone asks I didn't tell you, right? But this Sunday, Secret Cinema takes place + they have two screenings - a matinee + an evening showing. Obviously I don't know where it is (yet) or what film they'll be showing, but it sounds like it's something to do with rock stars, hmm? I've been to the last 3 secret cinema events + they're amazing. The location is revealed a few days beforehand + the venues, which tend to have a relevance to the film are always pretty interesting + sometimes mean you get to see places not open to the public. You can dress up if you choose, there's always lots of additional entertainment going on too + there's normally a bar + sweeties, yum.
Sun @ 3.30pm + 7.30pm, tickets £13.50-£17.50

..that'll do for now, my fingers are sleepy.

Happy anti-valentines x