I've been very aware that I've not written a single post since April + I really don't know why. It's not just my blog that I've been neglecting, barely a tweet a week has passed my fingertips for months now + I've not been up to much on FB either.
Only a tragedy of epic proportions has inspired me to get typing again. The tragedy is that Paloma Faith is to play the ICA on Weds 24th June and I WILL BE ON HOLIDAY. I missed her last gig because I fainted in Moorgate tube station and not even a nice old lady's Caramel bar could sort me out enough to go. The one before that was on the Sunday of a bank holiday - by which time I'd been pissed + hungover twice over and in my state of recovery I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO GO.
But enough about me. I would strongly recommend that you go to this gig. I've seen Paloma Faith several times over the last couple of years + she's unbelievable. Her voice is unique + incredibly powerful, her songs quirky, cheeky + fun + she herself is adorable, cute, cheeky, funny, witty + basically you just want to be her..or squeeze her.
Oh + her first single 'Stone Cold Sober' comes out on 15th June. So download it yeh? I promise I'm not her friend or agent or anything but a genuine fan, who is genuinely gutted she can't make it to another of her gigs + who genuinely wants other people to go instead so she can feel a bit better about it.